Saturday, December 26, 2015

The End of One Journey as a New One is Under Way

     I have not written in this blog for a while because well, there really isn't much to say anymore regarding my student teaching. It is complete and I now have a teaching job. So I would say that it is time for me to stop adding new posts to this blog unless I come up with something from my past student teaching experience to write about. For now though I will conclude with some of my experiences and move on to my teaching blog.

     I absolutely love my job. I teach at an elementary school on the Navajo reservation. At first I was a bit nervous but felt at home the very first day. I absolutely love the staff and the kids are so wonderful. There are trials of course as with any new job. It took a while for me to settle in and it has taken a while to have come up with a routine. Teaching gifted education is different because I create my own curriculum. I sometimes feel very stressed because I don't know what I am doing but I seek help and things seem to fall into place.

     There will no longer be posts added to this blog unless I come up with new things about my student teaching experience.  I hope to see you on my new blog which I will title simply, My Teaching Experience Has Begun.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New Adventures-New Job!

     When I left the pre-school and discovered that the district where I live did not like my discipline methods I decided to reach out to the town 45 miles away again. I not only reached out there but to a town even farther away. I applied for every opening they had which were not many.

    I received a call one day on a job I had applied for except the principal said they also had a gifted and talented position open. I was thrilled because gifted and talented is actually my long term plan. A couple of years after I began my college degree in education I decided my passion was in gifted ed. But, gifted ed requires a special endorsement so I figured I would have to wait a few years.

     I interviewed for the job and got it. I was so excited! I will have to get the gifted and talented endorsement within 3 years but that is fine. I will do that.

     I am also excited that the new school is an A rated school. I will not only get to teach the subject matter I had hoped but will get to do it in a school where I can learn so much. Yes I will teach the students but it is also so exciting to know I will learn too.

     Monday will begin my new and exciting journey. It has taken a while but I am on my way...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why Some Did Not Want Me

     I completed my student teaching in a private Christian school. The school is amazing and I feel fortunate to have been able to student teach there. I learned how to teach different grades and different subjects all in one semester. I learned some great teaching strategies and discipline methods. The kids are doing amazing and well, it was nothing but a positive experience.  I wish I could work there but they do not need anyone.

    I wondered though why no one in my area wanted me. I had done a lot of my practicum in one of the public schools, the one I really hoped to work at. I knew the principal and thought that might help.

     Mostly I wondered why I only received one call to interview with all of the open positions.  So, I called human resources to ask what was going on and was told that one of the schools had planned to interview me but someone told the principal that I had issues at the school where I'd  done a lot of my practicum. I was baffled because there had been no problems at all of which I was aware.

     After hearing that someone was saying I had issues at a school I asked the principal of that school and she said nothing was wrong that she was aware of. So I have no clue who said that or why. I know that I live in a small town full of a lot of gossipy people and also some who lie. I also know if the principal buys into all of that then I am lucky she did not call me to interview and I do not want to work at her school.

     While talking to HR I was also told that my interview for the Kindergarten position went great and I have a lot of great ideas but the only thing that bothered them was that my classroom and discipline methods are a bit old school. I was baffled because where I student taught we used some modern methods and I also really like the Wong methods. But I guess the Wong methods are old school now. I found that strange since my college still supports them. But, my college was a Christian school in another state.

    I learned in my school district it is no longer acceptable to put kids names on the board or to take away things like recess. Well the kids at the school where I student taught are well behaved and learning, the teacher does not have to waste time on discipline because they know they will lose recess if they misbehave. That all is another post in itself for a later time.

    I still wonder what else is going on in the other schools where I live but might never know. I kind of feel like I have been blackballed for some unknown reason. I will keep trying to get on at other schools and sub where I live. I will be a great teacher someday when someone does want me.


My Big Mistake

     I started my job at the Head Start on a Thursday. The first day was a nightmare. School is not in session yet but they had their summer program going. I had told the director from the start that I am not a babysitter and did not want to work in the daycare area but, that is what they have in the summer so she put me there. I thought that it was to train me but from what I was seeing they needed people and needed them right away. It was the worst job I have ever done.

     I went home and cried after the first day. The thought of doing that even one more day just made me so sad. It took all I had to return the next day but I did. I told the director that I hired for Head Start and only wanted to work toward getting my class ready and do training for my class. She said ok and put me in a room with a Head Start teacher who was subbing there for the summer with the older kids. That teacher was amazing and gave me hope that maybe things would be ok. I felt better about the job and was actually excited to get my room set up.

     I spent the weekend thinking of my classroom and how I would set it up. I was ready to go in Monday and start working toward that goal. School did not start for two weeks but there was a lot to do.

    Well, I went in on Monday and they put me back in the day care summer program area. They were very short staffed and that is where they needed me. But I had not hired on for that job so I was not happy about it at all. I decided that night I was not going to continue working there. I also decided after looking at the lesson plans in the summer class I was in that Head Start, Pre-School is not for me. There is a lot of play time which is fine, but I want to teach and teaching that little of kids is not what I went to college to do and not something I can handle.

     I decided I will sign on to sub until I can find a permanent position.

     So here I am without a steady job, kicking myself for turning down a good job in the town 45 minutes away thinking that I might start looking even farther away but hoping something will come around before I have to do that.

     This is sure not what I thought it would be like after I earned my degree.

The Job Hunt Begins...

     I really thought once I completed my student teaching I would apply for some teaching jobs and well get one of them. My friends who became teachers seemed to just step into a job once they were done student teaching. Maybe it wasn't that easy but it sure appeared so to me. Well landing a teaching job has not been easy for me.

     I started applying for jobs with the school district where I live right after I applied for my license. there were several openings in my district and well, they always complain about the shortage of teachers so I thought for sure I would get one of the positions. I also applied for positions in a town 45 miles away.

    In June I was called for one interview in my town but it was at the school where I most wanted to teach and it was Kindergarten so I was very excited. I dressed nice, took my portfolio and thought the interview went rather well.

     Not long after that interview I went to one in the town 45 miles away to interview for a first grade position. That interview also went well but they called shortly after to let me know someone else got the position. I was bummed but hoping for the local job.

     I got the call soon after telling me I did not get the local job either. I was very upset because none of the other schools in my area had called me either and well, there were a lot of openings. I was baffled as to why no one was calling me. I did find out why one school did not call and also one problem with my interview at the school where I wanted to work most of all. I will save that for another blog.

     In July I completed a phone interview for a job in the town 45 minutes away. In the mean time I also applied at Head Starts because I just need a job. Head Start is not my area of study nor my desire but I need to get started on my career.

     I got one of the Head Start jobs and then another Head Start called me too. The second school offered more money so, being so financially strapped I left the first one and took the second. I had not actually started the first job so they had time to replace me. Then a few days before I was supposed to begin at the Head Start I was offered a 3rd grade position in the town 45 minutes away. I seriously considered it but felt that I was not ready to jump into a classroom where school had already begun. I was not sure I could handle the drive and just felt stressed over it. So, I turned it down and stuck with Head Start. That was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made.

     So late August, there I was turning down a job that is more suited to my degree and beginning a job in an area of education that is well, very unfamiliar to me.



Saturday, May 2, 2015

Student Teaching Journey is Complete

I have sucessfully conpleted my 15 week student teaching journey. It seems like yesterday when it started but yet feels like it took foever to complete. I do not say that it feels like forever because itw as a bad experince, I say that becasue during student teaching you make absolutely no money so, it was rough on me for that amount of time financially.

My classroom experience was a beautiful one. I alreayd miss my kids, peers and the families. I feel like I built a wonderful relationship wiht all of them and sad that it is done. I plan to visit when I can because I really loved everyone.

The kids were sad to see me go, I got a lot of hugs and well it was sad. Some of my little studetns were very sad to see me leave.

In the next few weeks I will write about the highs and lows to my experience. There were way more highs than lows but with anything there's always a few lows. One of them I will say now was helping with 4th grade and up math. I am not good at it and was not able to help much in that area.

The entire experience has left me feeling enriched and puts a smile on my face.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sadness as Student Teaching Nears the End

It is so hard to believe that next week will be my final week of student teaching. I will have one make up day but other than that I will be done.

I enter these final days with excitement for the new career I will be entering but with sorrow at leaving the school and people I have grown to love. Everyone has made me feel welcome an the kids are well, just darlings and I am going to miss them terribly.

I have learned a lot these last few weeks. I will share more of what I have learned in a later blog. For now I just wanted to check in and say that I'm almost done and I'm sad to leave. This is a hard part of student teaching. You get close to everyone and then you have to leave them.

I have gotten to know many of the parents and they are such amazing and wonderful people. They make me feel appreciated and have made me feel welcome from the start.

The other teachers are also wonderful. They make me feel like I belong.

Then there's the kids. They are so sweet and I will miss the so much.

I am so lucky to have completed my student teaching at such an amazing little school and I leave with a full heart.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Nearing the End

It has been a while since I wrote here because well, life is busy. I am nearing the end of my student teaching and am glad, yet sad to see it come to an end. I absolutely love the school I am at but am ready to move on so I can start making money. Yes teaching is rewarding, it is such a wonderful feeling watching the sweet kids understand what you are teaching them. But, it is hard when you are not making a living.

As the end of this phase of my life approaches though I find that I am sad at the thought of leaving my classroom, the other teachers, the parents and most of all the kids. I have grown to love them all and will miss them very much.

The next things that I have to do as I phase out of this part of my life is fill out job application and start meeting with principals. I am excited but yet nervous about this phase.

Until then though I plan to enjoy my class and the kids as much as possible. It is hard to believe there is only a month left and I will leave this amazing school.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Creating Lesson Plans

I spent the last couple of days creating lesson plans for computer. It was not easy because I am creating plans that will teach and also fill in a pretty huge gap of time. I also have to create lessons for my course work and that is even harder.

The lesson plans that we create for college are so much different than the real world of teaching. I have not come across any of them during my student teaching phase or during any of my practicum. I've even discussed them with teachers and they have told me they don't use them either.  The actual lesson plans are much simpler and easier to create. Whew I am thankful for that.

It is annoying that I have to create this huge lesson plan, taking up ten pages or more, just for my course work but I will never actually do that once I have my own classroom. I have to implement this lesson plan too which goes against the norm of the class structure where I am teaching.

So that is what I spent the last couple of days doing, creating lesson plans to use because of college, not because it is something my teacher wants or something that fits the structure of the school but to meet course work. Seems a bit off to me but oh well, gotta go with it.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Backtracking to Week 3

For some reason I wrote this post on the wrong blog. I know it is out of order but wanted to share it here anyhow. Currently we have been on spring break and Monday will be the start of week 7. It is hard to believe that I am on the downhill side of things. I love my kids, cooperative teacher, the parents and all I work with. I will be sad to leave but glad to get a job.

Here is the post from week 3.

Week 3 was wonderful. Each week is better because I have more duties. Last week I helped out more and still have my computer group. I plan to get a little bit more of a lesson plan for my kids so that they enjoy computer time more. I also really want them to learn how to use a computer.

I will be taking the second grade kids soon and doing more with them. I also have to target one student and work just with that student on some areas of weakness. I identified my student and have made plans on how to teach help her become a more fluent reader.

I am working on a plan to teach the kids how to write a book too. I am having a lot of fun with the plans but they are slow going because of how the school sets it up. It is probably best that way.

Week 4 begins tomorrow. I cannot believe that we are already into week 4.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Half Way Done

I am now half way done with my student teaching. It has been a great experience so far even if I am rather burnt out.  Most of the stress comes from the long days and knowing that I am not getting paid.
I have to remind myself often that I am working toward my future and that it is something all teachers have to do and I will soon be making a living. Some days it is easier to keep my thoughts turned to the positive.

The kids at school make the days happy. There is nothing better than that sweet hug or smile. The fact that you know you've made a difference and when you see the student trying because he or she knows you have faith in them.

I am glad to be on the downhill side of student teaching though. I will miss my class and little school though but it will be exciting to have my very own classroom.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Battling Burn Out

So yesterday was the end of week 6 of my student teaching and now the burn out begins. Don't get me wrong, I love the school I am at, I love the kids and the other teachers.  The parents are amazing and well pretty much everything about the experience is good.

So why am I getting burnt out? Well that is easy, I work an average of 45 hours a week and all for no pay. I can't even find a paying job in my spare time because I don't have any. When I am not at the school I have to do course work.  I have about 10 hours of course work a week along with the student teaching.  It is taking its toll on me and I am just burnt out.

I only student teach four days a week but they are very long days. I go in at 7:30 and am off most nights at 6:30. The days are long too because we do not get breaks. Lunch is even eaten on the go while you take care of kids. I like the three day weekend but yet wonder if maybe a five day week would be easier. When I get home at night it is almost time for bed so I am pretty tired. On Friday I have so much to do to catch up and am also tired from the long week that really I feel like I only have two days off anyhow.

My college course work is taking its toll too. What is bothering me most of all is the fact that I have no income. It is very hard working all week for no pay and knowing that you might lose your hone. A positive way to look at that I suppose is that then I won't have a house payment anymore.

So how do I battle the burn out when I have 10 more weeks of student teaching left. I am not sure, I guess just take it all one day at a time.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 5 Begins

It is hard to believe that I am already into week 5 of my student teaching experience. It has been a great experience so far except the getting up early and staying late part. I miss staying home and just chilling.  I think that is one of the hardest things.

Another thing that is hard is working 40+ hours a week and not getting paid. I know it is a part of the student teaching process but it sure is difficult. I can't find a part time job because I am completely exhausted and just could not do student teaching and then work. So financially there is quite a burden.

All of that aside though, the process is very enjoyably and educational. I am learning a lot about teaching. I love the class and all of the kids. I am learning how to manage a classroom and also discipline students in a loving way.

This week I have taken over teaching second grade math. I think then next week I will take on English. That is the subject I will really enjoy since I love English.

Until later.....

Sunday, January 18, 2015

End of Week 2: Things I Will Do Differently

Hello my blogging friends, I am sorry I did not write all week last week. The week was a busy one.

I absolutely love my school though. It is wonderful. I am learning a lot about teaching. I am learning things that I will use in my own classroom and also coming up with other ideas for my classroom. There are some things my cooperative teacher does that I will do differently but that does not mean the way she does it is wrong. It just means we have different ideas.

One thing I will do differently is create a student chart. This chart will have all of my students names on it and be used for when my students need to use the restroom, for attendance and discipline. I will have the students move their tag when they are in the restroom and also at the start of the day. This way the students are not interrupting during teaching time to ask to use the restroom. They know if someone else is in the restroom and wait until that person returns. Attendance will be easy because all I have to do is look at the board to know who is missing.

I will also use the board for discipline by having the students turn their cards when they break a rule. This helps them take responsibility for their behavior and will help with control of the classroom.

Now I am not saying my cooperative teacher does not have control of the classroom. She does. The kids are great and they are not disruptive. But she is at a school with a lot of parent support so the kids know they need to behave or their parents will discipline them at home. Most classroom teachers do not have that so must find ways to discipline students and help them make good choices.

As for the restroom and attendance. The chart just seems easier for me.

I learned this past week that kids do respond best when the teacher is always calm and speaks to them in a calm voice. The teacher can never lose control even when the child does.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Today I began week 2 of student teaching. It was a good day. We had a great math lesson with all of the kids and our science lesson went very well. The kids are learning about skin and such. They were very intrigued by the lesson.

The school I am teaching at is a very small private Christian school by the way. We go from grades K-8 and there are two teachers for the school with one aid and now me. Some days are very busy with grading papers and such. Today went so smoothly that we got all of our papers graded and done early. It was fantastic to get out of there by 5 PM.

My college class that goes along with the student teaching is not as enjoyable. It is really a thorn in my side. I wish they would realize that we are busy with our student teaching at least 40 hours a week and sometimes more. They really should not add such a load on top of it all.

I am learning a lot at my little school and will say more tomorrow.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Hello my friends,

I did not write about day three or day four of student teaching. I was so darn tired when I got home both nights that I did what I needed to do and then I crashed. The week was very draining. Getting up so early is hard for me to get used to and then working 10-11 hours a day is even harder.

I also have a class that goes along with my student teaching. I checked out the class last night and WOW it is going to be so demanding. I am dreading the class so much. I cannot believe that the school would expect us to do this class along with our 40+ hours of student teaching. I wonder if maybe they want us to fail.

I am enjoying the teaching part of the placement. It is great to help the kids learn and watch them understand things. I do not like the math portion because math is not my thing but thankfully I won't be teaching any math above 3rd grade when I get a job.  Math might not be as hard if it was done how we did it when I was a kid. They do it so much differently now days.

I am off for three days so will check back in next week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 2-Whew

Well I survived day 2 of student teaching. Seriously the student teaching part of it all is just fine. It is the long hours I am there that is wearing me out.  I am there from 7:30AM to 5:30 PM and that makes for a long day. 

I am extremely exhausted and off to bed now, just wanted to check in and share that I survived. I know I will adjust to the long hours soon but for now it is rough.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Adventure Begins

Well the day I have been waiting for since the end of summer has finally begun. I started my student teaching today. It has not been easy getting to this point but finally, here I am.

I was actually scheduled to begin student teaching last August but the school that had accepted my placement backed out last minute because they were a new school and decided they could not meet my needs. When I say backed out last minute, I mean literally last minute. I was supposed to start on Monday and they terminated the placement the Friday before.

That left me no time to really set up a new placement because of the lateness of the termination and other obstacles that stood in my way.

So I finally decided to start student teaching in the spring session which is now.

I am completing my student teaching at a small private Christian school. I love the little school because they use traditional teaching methods.

My first day was rough though. Not because of the kids or the other teachers, because I have been sick and it was a long day.

I got there at 7:30 AM and left at 5:45 PM. We did get a lunch but it was in the classroom. There really just were not a lot of breaks. I also have not worked or anything for a while so it was hard being gone that long in one day. I am sure I will adjust.

One consolation so such long days is that the school is a 4 day week so I will have every Friday off. That will be wonderful.

I love the school and it is going to be a lot of fun. I will learn a lot too. I don't like getting up at 6:30 though but will adjust to that soon too.

My classes will begin again on Thursday so the next 16 weeks will be hard ones but in the end I will be a licensed teacher.