Saturday, April 29, 2017

Guided Play Writing Lesson Plan - Attack of Sharktopus

I have written  about my enrichment lesson, play writing and the process in writing the play Attack of Sharktopus. This is the lesson plan I created for this project. It was creative and enriching for my students.
Teacher(s): Kim Miller                                  Subject:  Enrichment         Date: November 8, 2016
7 Days
Instructional Focus: DOK 3, DOK 4
 DOK 1- Recall/Reproduction DOK 2-Application Skills & Concepts DOK3-Strategic Thinking DOK 4-Extended Thinking
Content Standards
 New Mexico Standard W3a I can establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.
NM Theatre Arts 2A(b) 4-6 - I can Develop dialogue to express character’s feelings
Instructional Model for Student Mastery Final written play.

Summative assessment: Final written play
Activities for Knowledge and Skills Instruction: Numbers one through eight need to be included in your lesson plans.
1.      Method for accessing prior knowledge: Discuss plays that we have read as a class and how they are written.
2.      Method for achieving QCG objectives: Writing, reading
3.      Modeling (I do…) How will the unit content be introduced and modeled for students? TW read plays with students, then model how a play is written.
4.      Guided practice (We do…) How will you gradually release responsibility to students? SW write their class play in steps and put together as a group.
5.      Independent practice (You do…) What activities will students engage in to support mastery? SW create their own character, plot and setting.
6.      Methods for checking understanding: Observation, discussion
7.      How will you provide timely feedback to students: Discussion each day as the play writing progresses
8.      Modifications and accommodations for all students:

Lesson Plan Information
ACCOMMODATIONS (check all that apply/add other strategies)
Repeat/Confirm/Simplify Directions
Present instructions orally
Give directions in small steps
Provide visual aids
Provide partially completed outline or
     graphic organizer
Show a model of the end product
Provide study guides and/or study questions
Increase wait time for responses
Pair student with students modeling good
Reward positive behaviors
Use non-verbal cues to communicate
     inappropriate behavior

Section 504      SAT

Repeat/Confirm/Simplify Directions
Access to manipulatives
Increase wait time for responses
Slower speech, clear enunciation
Provide partially completed outline or
    graphic organizer
Provide sentence frames/starters

Culture Connection (check all that apply/add other cultural connections)
  Recognition and validation of all student’s culture                                        Legitimizes student’s real life experience
  Establishment of appropriate relationship between student and teacher        Encourages collaboration of students from various cultures

Each box expands for you to add lesson plan information. The above activities need to appear somewhere in your lesson plans.
Day 1
·         TW model how to write a play based on the plays students have read.
·         SW create a character, with feelings, thoughts, ideas
Day 2
·         SW create a plot on paper with problem and solution.
Day 3
·         SW create a setting
·         Entire class and TW discuss the setting, plots and problems.
Day 4
·         As a group will determine main setting and how the others will fit into the story.
Day 5
·         SW create a dialogue through guided writing for their characters with the other characters in the story.
·         Blocking, script and setting notes will be added to the play.

Day 6 and Day 7
·         Dialogue will be put together through guided writing with the settings to finalize the play.

Through this lesson students learned to work collaboratively and creatively in writing their play, rehearsing and production. Students used a higher level of thinking skills during the entire process of this project. All students were highly engaged because they were a part of their own education. The entire project was a huge success.
Review: The final play was a success.


  1. I love nothing more than to see children in a play they perform with such abandon :) Not a job/vocation for me and I admire those for whom it is as you are shaping our future generations :)

  2. I think this is awesome, children love to play pretend.

    1. My kids loved it. They did great at learning their lines and performing.
